1. What inspired this film?

“Just months after Jesus and John Wayne released, three conservative evangelical women asked to speak with me,” says Kristin Du Mez. “To my surprise, they thanked me and asked how they could help. ‘It’s too late for us,’ they told me. ‘We’ve made our choices, and we can’t walk away from the lives we’ve made. But we want something different for our daughters.’ I’ve carried their words with me. This film is for them, and for their daughters.”

A timely exploration of the intersection between faith, politics, and women's rights in America, the film honors the brave sexual and spiritual abuse survivors within the church who have shared their stories, and those who have not yet spoken. It delves into how the church has cared more about power and political influence than love, and how the harm done to women and children threatens to extend beyond faith communities in light of the choices before us this election season.

2. What do you hope to achieve with its release?

Abuse within the evangelical community starkly contradicts Jesus' teachings about women, which emphasize love, respect, and honor. By exposing the abuse and the abusers who distort God's name to justify their actions, FOR OUR DAUGHTERS challenges women to be a driving force within their own communities. The film calls on women of faith to raise their voices and wisely consider their vote as a means to protect the health, happiness, and liberties of their daughters and granddaughters. 

3. Where can I find a trailer for the film?

You can find it here.

4. How can I show this film to women I know?

We will be streaming FOR OUR DAUGHTERS free of charge starting September 26, 2024.

You can share via Youtube (link coming soon).

5. I was assaulted in the church but never told anyone. Where can I get help?

We are so sorry that this was your experience and our hearts are broken for you. Our prayers go with you as you begin your journey of understanding that this was not your fault and that you are not alone. 

If you need to report abuse, The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is an American nonprofit anti-sexual assault organization, the largest in the United States. Their team of experts can help you navigate the next steps.

For recovery resources, here are several more places you can reach out:

6. Are there resources I can share with my church around abuse?

Here is a link to GRACE, an organization that empowers Christian communities to recognize, respond to and prevent abuse.

7. What else can I do?

  • Remind women to check their voter registration to make sure that it is current.

  • Offer to drive women to vote or trade off child care so that moms can vote in peace.

  • Remind women that their vote is private and no one can “figure out” who they voted for.

  • Offer to help women in your church register to vote online.